Here at The Labour Exchange, we strive to have clients and workers that are "Good Bastards". To be a "GB", we hold all our workers to our Core values below. We reward and recognise these values at the LX.

Core Values
To live by the Good Bastard culture and be:

  • Enthusiastic 
  • Hard working 
  • Honest 
  • Friendly 
  • Reliable 
  • Dependable 
  • Safe 
  • Able to deliver on promises 
  • Willing to go beyond the call 
  • Knowledgeable 
  • Genuine 
  • Approachable 
  • Straight up 
  • To treat each other with respect



Human Resources: 

Our HR department are dedicated to ensure:

1. You are paid accurately on time each week
2. We upskill you with the training you require for the task at hand
3. Quickly respond to any issues that may arise
4. To be proactive with your contractual concerns
5. Ensure confidentiality with any concerns you have and fix them as soon as possible
6. To be transparent and treat everyone equally

Reward and Recognition:

We love to Reward and Recognise our workers that exude The Labour Exchange's Core values. From a pat on the back, shout out at the depot or our Monthly Top 30 Good Bastard workers. We appreciate all the hard work our team of workers put in day in and day out to help our clients achieve their goals for our beautiful city. Look out over the coming months for some photos of our fantastic workers who have gone the extra mile, been dependable, hard case and most importantly SAFE. We want all our guys to go home safe to their families every day!!!!